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Moments to remember
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Empowerment of women in the private sector
Women's Fair of Llapi - "Memories from the Homeland"
Empowered Society through Strong Women
KS - Dictionary of Friendship
Old Pristina & New Pristina: Culture and Heritage
Regional Conference on the Role of Women's Rights NGOs in Regional Development
Enhancing Community Trust-Building through Women's Business Development and Interaction
Economic Empowerment for Gender-Based Violence Prevention
Reintegration of repatriated families and prevention of irregullar migration
721 Villages
I Love Balkan - BWA
Women Book
NGO Lady - Volunteer Support Projects - Preventing the Consequences of COVID-19
Reintegration of repatriated women and their families and prevention of irregular migration
Empowering regional cooperation and equipping young people with 21st century skills for employment and business development
UNMIK - Support of economic empowerment in times of COVID-19; "Mask Making Project"
Support for the most vulnerable groups of women and their inclusion in the labor market in order to support and mitigate the consequences caused by Covid -19
Kosovo souvenirs made by Kosovo women
Reintegration of repatriated women and their families and prevention of irregular migration - Phase II
Psychosocial rehabilitation and economic reintegration of Kosovo women
721 Villages – Phase II
Reintegration of repatriated women and their families and prevention of irregular migration - Phase III
Made by Janjeva/o women - Made in Kosovo
Empowerment and integration of women and youth from non-majority communities in Kosovar society
Promotion of culture and development of art in Kosovo
Made by Janjeva/o women - Made in Kosovo
Made by Janjeva/o women - Made in Kosovo - UNDP & NGO Lady
The aim of the project is the development of skills for handicrafts, embroidery and the production of souvenirs with modern traditional motifs, as well as entrepreneurship - for the women and girls of
The trainings are part of our project of our project “Made by Janjeva/o women - Made in Kosovo" which is part of a financial grant of the “The Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Economic Revival of Janjevo” project funded by the European Union in Kosovo and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo, and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo.
List of videos
Moments to remember
The Crown of Success
Women of Janjevo - "Between the past and dreams for the future"
Montenegro & Serbia
60 inspiring stories of women from the Western Balkans
Bosnia and Herzegovina & North Macedonia
60 inspiring stories of women from the Western Balkans
Kosovo & Albania
60 inspiring stories of women from the Western Balkans
Women Book
Gratitude is the key to success
With Secretary Hillary Clinton
It was a special honor
Letter of appreciation
Motivation letter
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Moments to remember
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Mon: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Tue: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Wed: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Thu: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Fri: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
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